Seek first to Understand

Imagine a customer has contacted you and has examined your product offering only to say:

“I don’t see what I am looking for!”

“It’s too expensive!”

“I don’t like anything!”  

Then you try every sales technique that you know to influence him/her to buy.  Sometimes you are successful, but most times, you are not.  So, what can you do?  Let’s examine each of these responses in the context of a lady’s clothing store.

When the customer says, “I don’t see what I am looking for?” Do you know whether she is looking for an outfit to impress her future mother-in-law, to make her ex-boyfriend jealous or for a girl’s night out?  Because each event would require a distinctive look.  What have you done to understand your customer’s needs and concerns?

If the customer says, “It’s too expensive!” What does she mean by that?  Do you know how much she is willing to spend to look her absolute best at an upcoming job interview?  Do you know what her budget is?  Again, I ask what have you done to understand the concerns and needs of the customer?

Lastly, when your customer says, “I don’t like anything?” Is she telling you that the clothes are too revealing or that you don’t seem to have her size?  Maybe she does not know what she likes and needs help.   To repeat, what have you done to understand the customer’s concerns and needs?

Customers today do their research, and they know they have options. Don’t let your overzealous desire to make a sale cause you to prescribe a solution without knowing the problem.   

We all have made this mistake.  So, let’s stop and try this!

A young woman walks into your store and declares out loud, “I don’t see anything that I like in here!” 

“You sound frustrated!” I said.

“Yes, I have been all over town, and I have not found anything to wear!” she cried.

“Going somewhere special?” I asked.

Yes, my best friend’s wedding!” she announced.

“Oh, I understand. It’s important to look special,” I said.

“Yes, it is, and besides, they have a colour scheme, and everyone must wear yellow!” she declared.

“Okay, are you looking for something short or long?” I queried.

“I want it to be short and sexy,” she said.

“I have something for you,” I said.

Have a conversation with your customer and listen.  Seek first to understand the needs and concerns of your customer. 




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