1 + 1 = 3

Have you ever heard the term synergy?  It is a type of energy that causes one plus one to be greater than two.  I equate it to the energy that causes a seed to grow into a tree that bears many fruit.  As a business owner, wouldn’t you want to use this energy to grow your business?  Well, you can!

Let’s start with sales.  Synergistically, it is possible to increase your revenues just by satisfying one customer who will tell someone and in turn that person will tell another, which can lead to many customers.  But most of us know this, yet we do not invest money, time or effort in improving the customer’s experience.    For instance, do your employees understand the benefits of the products?  Do they demonstrate the use of your product? Are they engaging and helpful? Is the setup or the surroundings of your business welcoming? Do you make allowances for the elderly? Is there shelter from the sun or rain while people wait to be served?

I am sure all of us can conjure up a memory or two of lousy customer service.  Warning to all small business owners, you cannot afford to do this.   The large corporations who monopolize the distribution network can afford not to care.  However, you can’t because good customer service leads to repeat business and referrals.  So, what are your customers saying about you?

What else can we do?    Listen!   I am sure that your customers or employees may have mentioned ideas in passing that can help the company grow, but you did not hear them for whatever reason.  So, pay attention, ask questions and listen!  Not only listen, reward your staff, suppliers, customers or friends for their input. 

Consider giving them a discount or some token of appreciation because they are helping your business to grow.   They, in effect, are part of your team.   Have you heard the sayings, “Together everyone achieves more,” and that “two heads are better than one”.   These sayings reflect the principle of synergy where working collaboratively can increase your profitability .

Lastly, let me remind you that just as synergy can work for you, it can work against you.  Negative experiences result in bad reviews, lost sales, employee turnover, and unproductive staff, for instance.

The ideas presented here are not new, but they are worth repeating.  Because this is how I believe we can survive these challenging economic times.




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